ODOT Network Adapter CN-8032-L bi Profinet

ODOT Hot-selling Remote IO Module CN-8032-L bi Profinet

Il-prodotti ewlenin f'ODOT Automation huwa modulu IO remot, li jista 'jaħdem perfettament ma' PLCs ta 'marki famużi, bħal Siemens, Schneider, Mitsubishi, Wago, Beckhoff, AB, Omron eċċ.

Remote IO System includes network adapter and IO modules, our network adapter can support more than 12 protocols, such as Profinet, Profibus-DP, Modbus RTU, Modbus- TCP, CANopen, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP etc. Our professional techinical solution will be provided as per your specific working requirement. Here we take a best-selling model for your reference, pls contact us for more details if any detailed projects, contact email is sales5@odotautomation.com


ODOT CN-8032-L Adapter tan-Netwerk Profinet

L-adapter tan-netwerk CN-8032-L Profinet jappoġġja l-Komunikazzjoni standard tal-Apparat Profinet IO.L-adapter ma jappoġġja l-ebda redundancy MRP, u l-ebda redundancy tan-netwerk taċ-ċirku.U jappoġġja l-mod ta 'komunikazzjoni RT f'ħin reali, bil-perjodu minimu ta' komunikazzjoni RT f'ħin reali tiegħu ta '1ms.L-adapter jappoġġja input massimu ta' 1440 bytes, output massimu ta '1440 bytes, u n-numru tal-moduli IO estiżi li jappoġġja huwa 32.

appoġġ l-ebda redudancy MRP, l-ebda funzjoni IRT

Jekk jogħġbok ara l-aħħar vidjo tagħna Remote IO fuq youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O86lTEV8UdM&pp=sAQA


Ħin tal-post: Settembru-01-2023